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Salmon Arm Fair

Breeder's Flock

Supreme Champion Ewe Lochridge 19H
Reserve Supreme Champion Ewe Lochridge 81J

Supreme Champion Ram
Jethro Lochridge 4J
All Canadian Classic

Texel Flock shown with assistance from Grandson Tristan and friend Konur Gork
Top selling Texel Junior Ram lambs.
2nd place Junior Ram lamb
Grasslands Show and Sale, Humboldt Saskatchewan.
Thank you to our purchasers:
Double L Farm of Fox Valley Saskatchewan for their purchase of Texel yearling ewe
Lochridge 3E and Texel ram lamb Lochridge 82F
Lorea Tomsin, Olde Country Wools, Sidney, B C for her purchase of two yearling Charollais ewes
Lochridge 23E and Lochridge 32E
Liezel Kennedy, Shamrock Ranch, Shamrock, SK for the purchase of two Texel ram lambs
Lochridge 81F and Lochridge 85F.

Double L Farms
The Lodoen's -Fox Valley, SK

Lorea Tomsin - Olde Country
Wools, Sidney, B.C.

Liezel Kennedy
Shamrock Ranch, SK
Salmon Arm Fair
Grand Champion Carcass lamb ¾ Texel ¼ Suffolk lamb
Supreme Champion Ram Lochridge Willis 8F 7/8 Texel ram lamb sired by
Orchardview 78B “Walker” Dam: Lochridge 8B
Bred by Finlay Farm shown by Barb Ringstad.
All Canadian Sheep Classic, Red Deer, Alberta

Top selling ram lambs with two of our Texels

Supreme Champion Ewe Lochridge 99D (Charollais/Texel)
Champion AOB ewe Lochridge 99D
Champion AOB Ram Hazelmere 64D Dieter
Supreme Champion Flock
Reserve Champion carcass lamb.
All Canadian Sheep Classic, Barriere, BC

Champion Canadian Arcott Ram: Lochridge 92K Purchased by Bergerie Pagulann Inc, Quebec

Champion Texel Flock: Three Texel yearling ewes and a Texel ram lamb

Champion Texel Ram Lamb and Reserve Champion Texel Ram: Lochridge 98L purchased by Mud Lake Sheep, Duval, Sask.

Champion Texel Ewe: Lochridge 19K purchased by Double L Farms, Fox Valley, Sask.
Salmon Arm Fair
Champion Any Other breed and Supreme Champion Ram Lochridge 44D “Dodge Ram” ¾
Texel ¼ Suffolk ram lamb. Sold to Westpark Farms. Champion Mature ewe Lochridge 4 B Dam of Lochridge 44D
Champion Black Face Ewe & Supreme Champion Ewe Lochridge 5D Texel/Suffolk ewe lamb.

Salmon Arm Fair
Champion Any Other Meat Breed Ram "Leroy" Olde Country 1B
Champion Mature Ewe Lochridge 18A Reserve Champion Mature ewe Lochridge 82Y

Salmon Arm Fair
Champion and Reserve ram any other breed
Supreme Champion Flock
Reserve Champion Get of Sire

Salmon Arm Fair
Reserve Champion Market Lamb
Champion Ram any other meat breed
Supreme Champion Ram - Lochridge Boss 40Z - Owned by
Crooked Creek Farm, Bill & BlancheCovey- Bred and Shown by
Lochridge Texels
All Canadian Sheep Classic
Champion Texel Breeders’ Flock
Reserve Champion Texel Ram
Second place yearling ewe

Salmon Arm Fair
Champion Ewe any other breed (Orchardview 56Y)
Supreme Champion ewe (Orchardview 56Y)
Reserve Champion any other breed ram (Lochridge Boss 40Y)
sold to Crooked Creek Farm
The Supreme Champion ram was Lochridge Jackson 43X bred by
Lochridge Texels owned & shown by Ringstad Farm

Salmon Arm Fair

Champion Ram any other breed
Supreme Champion Ram Lochridge Jackson 43X
Salmon Arm Fair
Champion Ram any other breed Hazelmere 31W (Brio)
Supreme Champion Ram Hazelmere 31W (Brio)
sire of Lochridge Jackson 43X
Albert & Dena Finlay
1952 Rashdale Road-Spallumcheen-BC-V4Y 0V4
Phone/Fax: 250-546-6223 ~ E-mail:
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