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We are currently revising our pages, stay tuned for the latest flock updates! 

Albert & Dena Finlay
1952 Rashdale Road-Spallumcheen-BC-V4Y 0V4
Phone/Fax: 250-546-6223 ~ E-mail:


~About Us~


Albert was born on a farm in Saanichton on Vancouver Island.   Farming has been his life.  When he was young his family grew strawberries and milked a few cows.  His dad died suddenly when Albert was 19, and he, his mother and brother took over the farm and increased the dairy herd to 150 Holsteins and ploughed under the strawberries.  For the next 25 years Finlay’s Dairy Farm was their main focus. When his brother’s health began to fail they decided to disperse their dairy herd in 1992.  Their dispersal sale was well attended and their cattle were sold to many herds around B. C.  After their Holstein dispersal Hereford cattle grazed the pastures of Finlay Farm.

Albert & Dena married in 1993 and along with his brother operated Finlay Farm Herefords.  For the next 18 years Herefords were their main interest.

Dena was born to a part time farming family in Saanich.  They raised chickens, pigs, a few Black Angus cattle and had a family milk cow.  As a young 4-H member Dena raised goats and in 1964 her interest turned to sheep.  For a number of years she had a small flock of Southdown sheep and later commercial ewes.  When she and Albert married she suggested a few sheep for grazing areas that could not be harvested or allow cattle to feed on.  Over the next few years the flock grew from commercial ewes that produced lamb for customers, to a desire to find a purebred breed to show and sell for breeding stock.  The name “Lochridge” for the Texel flock came from the farm that Dena grew up on in Saanich that borders Blenkinsop (Lost) Lake, in the Blenkinsop Valley.  Albert and Dena wished to keep that part of her farming heritage as well as Finlay Farm from his family’s farm.


In 2006 we relocated to Spallumcheen, near Armstrong, B. C. We produce hay, beef and lamb for our customers and have breeding stock available for both the purebred sheep buyer and the commercial customer.  High percentage ewes are available as well as purebred ram lambs. 

We chose Texels for their high carcass yield and quality.  Both the rams and the ewes have a very gentle temperament.  The lambs, both part bred and purebred grow quickly to market weight and produce excellent freezer lamb.  


Our sheep are raised with care and attention to their health and welfare. We have participated in the On Farm Food Safety Program with the Canadian Sheep Federation. We have participated in "Keeping Flocks Healthy workshop" put on the B. C. Ministry of Agriculture.  Our feeding program includes hay, haylage and grain.  We can pasture our sheep during  the spring and summer months. 

Vaccinations are kept up to date and their health is of primary importance to us as producers. Canada has the highest food quality in the world and we strive to produce the best we can for our customers and we also endeavour to produce healthy breeding stock with excellent conformation and blood lines for those desiring to start a flock of their own or add to their existing flocks. 


Texel Cross Lambs


B.C. Cattlemens’ Association


Okanagan Shuswap Sheep Producers’ Association


Okanagan Shuswap 4-H Lamb Club (Dena is the leader)


B.C. Purebred Sheep Breeders Association


Canadian Sheep Breeder’s Association


B.C. Sheep Federation


We have participated in the On Farm Food Safety workshop for sheep producers


We have participated in "Keeping Flocks Healthy workshop" put on the B. C. Ministry of Agriculture.

© 2023 by Finlay Farms

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